Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Bad mommy Noddy badge

Today I earned myself another bad mommy Noddy badge, I locked the cats in the house by accident by forgetting to leave the window open.  It wasn't the only clumsy, bad or naughty thing I did today but for this I feel the worst, but I really need to make some changes. 

Sometimes it is only when being faced with the consequences of our sin nature that we are willing to acknowledge that we need to make changes in our lives.  Funny enough coming to salvation in the first place is often through the same process, we become aware of our sin and recognize our need for a saviour.

Thankfully God's grace is there to save us and to bring us back to Him in whatever area of our lives that we need Him to step in, so if you are feeling bad like I am.....don't!  Just look to God, confess your sin and He will save you! 

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