Thursday, February 12, 2015

State of the nation

Well well well! What chaos and as South Africans we laugh but in truth how sad. Our Presidents state of the nation address in shambles as one party protests and are then forcibly removed by police and another party walks out. I could spend the next hour writing about all that is wrong with that.

As Christians though we should be asking a more important question? What is the spiritual state of our nation? May I venture to say, not much better! Are those of faith not sometimes the laughing stock of others? May I propose it is because our message has become irrelevant. We preach one thing and do another.

On a personal level I have been challenged this week to ask myself constantly, am I really living by the Spirit? That question has forced me to dig deep and check my responses. Being bold and speaking out against injustice is one thing, but if we aren't careful it can lead to being cynical about all aspects of life.

I want to challenge us today to check the state of our hearts and see where God needs to be most actively at work in us and then ask God to teach us gently by His Spirit how to live more effective lives for Him.

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