Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A world according to Volta

Today marks 270 years since the birth of Alessandro Volta on 18 February 1745. Volta was an Italian physicist credited with the invention of the first electrical battery, the Voltaic pile, which he invented in 1799, proving that electricity could be chemically generated. The SI unit of electrical potential is named in his honour as the volt. He also did extensive studies on methane gas as well as electromotive force.

Interesting, but how does this affect us today? It affects every waking moment of our modern world today and I can bet you one thing, Volta had no idea of how his invention of the battery and his studies of electricity would affect us today.

As I sit tonight in my bedroom I see lights, a television, laptop, cellular phones and tablet, a fan, hairdryer and so many other items I can't think of right now, just in my bedroom that are powered by electricity and batteries. Our entire world today revolves around electricity yet when it was discovered, I'm pretty sure some people would have said, “Now what in the world are we going to be able to do with this!”

Faith can be like that! When we first discover faith, we wonder how it works and what it will be able to do for us, but once we learn more about it, it becomes the centre of our being and doing.

Have you discovered what it means to live by faith yet? If not, then I think it is time we started on a new voyage of discovery to learn more about how we can put faith to use in our everyday world. Are you on board? Let's go!

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