Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Growing like wild fire

I can hardly believe it!  At the beginning of the new gardening season I seriously trimmed back all the pathway plants and herbs and it was looking great.  It still looks good but oh my goodness, a little bit junglish...tee hee! 

This does raise some serious questions for me as to whether or not I have the right mix of plants in there as I would like the garden to be a little more manageable in the future so that it requires less time to maintain, hence the front garden remodelling project.  I know my priorities will need to shift in the next year or so, so I need to prepare every area of my life for the changes that lie ahead. 

This does make me wonder if there are any other areas in our lives that while looking good could actually be distracting us from the plans that God has for us?  Maybe a hobby that is actually taking up too much of our time, or maybe it is too much inactivity and being stuck behind a TV or computer (ouch)!

In the same way that I am going to have to consider thinning out some vegetation maybe we should take time to take stock of what needs to be cleared out to make time for the things God desires for us to do.  I know I am sure challenged to look at things differently. 

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