Sunday, March 2, 2014

Looking forward to spade work

I had taken last week off gardening in honour of the completion of the garden path round back but knew that this week I would have to start doing the digging to lay the final bed for the year. As autumn has arrived I know there is only limited time now to get the final bed dug up, planted and settled before the cold winter months set in.

Sadly for me it has rained the whole weekend so getting time outdoors was just not possible. For a few short minutes between rain falls I snuck round back to check on the garden. To my delight my granadela has its first flower so I may just get a fruit this year. Still being a relatively small plant I only expected a crop from next year.

Sometimes our best plans and best intentions just do not come to fruition at the time we expect. We should not loose heart when this happens as God has a plan for every day. He knows exactly how and when things need to happen in our lives. We need to rest in Him and know that every season will yield the exact results they should, to keep us on the path that God has planned for our lives.

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