Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Twas the year.......

I remember so clearly sitting last year this time wondering what 2013 would hold in store for me personally but also for the world at large. What I can say for sure is that it truly was a momentous year of celebrating milestones and rejoicing in new beginnings.

This year I celebrated my 40th birthday and 20 years in Gauteng. What were the new beginnings? A new department and new line of work. New opportunities to expand income streams. New book and the opportunities that brings. New coffee machine (tee hee). New friendships for which I am grateful!

For all of these new beginnings I can rejoice in God's goodness and grace and thank Him for the wonderful work that He has done. Truth be told, regardless of these wonderful changes, none of these have yet born fruit of which to boast. At best they helped me turn the corner and ensure that my life is now heading in a new direction. That is pretty much how life and aspects of change work. We first have to turn the corner before we can engage the path that lies ahead of us.

As a nation we said a sad farewell to our former State President at age 95. What other notable events took place this year? A super typhoon ravaged the Philippines. The US government shut its doors for several days. Terrorists attacked a Kenyan mall. Microsoft bought Nokia (how come I missed that one?). Scientists successfully cloned human stem cells. A Bangladesh factory collapsed. Boston Marathon bombings. Margaret Thatcher died at 87. Meteorites injured hundreds in Russia. Pope Benedict XVI resigned.

Not so peachy, but most of these events had us glued to our TV screens during the year. Moments of triumph and moments of failure come to us all and when we are ready, God births a great work within each of us. The great works do not last for a moment but rather last through a lifetime.

Have you discovered God's plan for your 2014 yet? Maybe you need to change direction. If so realize that this kind of change can take an entire year to effect. Maybe you need to build on what God has done in a prior year. Commit to that work and stay focused in God. Maybe you just need to recover from a moment of devastation. Know that God will work with you to heal and restore that which was damaged.

As we give thanks and celebrate the year that was, give thanks to God for His goodness and know that 2014 will bring with it unique and wonderful blessings and joys.

God bless and Happy New Year!

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