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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Will you be next?

Most of us will resist change when it comes, that is part of human nature. The fear of the unknown drives us to seek the comfort of familiar surroundings and we will even make friends with our own limitations in order to resist the change that is coming.

Why is that? Well the unknown presents many challenges and sometimes some wonderful surprises. We won't know either way until we step into that unknown. There may be failure along the way and that is usually what holds us back.

We do have to push through that fear though. Peter asked Jesus, “If that is you Lord, ask me to come.” Jesus replied and we know the rest, Peter walked on water just like Jesus did. It was only when Peter looked at the waves that he started sinking.

What challenge are you afraid to take on for fear of the unknown? Only two men on earth can claim to be water walkers because of their faith, are you willing to be the next? I know whatever it is, if you truly have faith and keep your eyes on Jesus, God will never let you sink.

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