Everyday God - Amazon

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Just in time

There is one very challenging aspect about accounting and that is that there are certain deadlines that are just not negotiable and it can bring great pressure. There is also the additional pressure of making sure that your work is properly checked and authorised by management and the expectation to deliver a precise, accurate work is high.

Usually on days like this you will find that there will also always be someone else that needs your attention and you can't put off their needs either.

Jesus experienced this too. A rulers daughter had died and on route to attending to her, someone in the crowd dared to touch the hem of His garment with a faith that demanded immediate attention and healing, and she got it.

Jesus felt the power drain from him and immediately stopped to address the women. In doing so he lost time and any hope of healing or raising the girl appeared lost. It seemed the deadline had been missed, but Jesus never wavered. He continued his mission and raised the girl from the dead.

It may seem in your life like God has missed the deadline. Something you felt needed to be done by a certain time hasn't materialised and you feel despair. Take heart, God never misses a deadline. He will always deliver according to his promise in just the right time.

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