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Monday, November 28, 2011

Honey and Syrup

Put some syrup and honey in a glass side by side and you'll be hard pressed to tell the difference just by appearance. One of the fruit of the spirit is love and for most of us that can be confusing because we assimilate love with romance. Just like syrup and honey though romance and God's love are very different.

God's love is unconditional. God's love is exemplified in action not in emotion. When God sent Jesus to die on the cross, he did not feel like doing it, but his love us compelled him to make the sacrifice necessary for our redemption. 

God's love is also not just 'liking' someone but the ability to act in a way that shows grace despite them being hurtful towards you. It is always difficult to show respect and dignity when others have offended or hurt us in some way, but it is in those situations that we get tested and are given an opportunity to truly learn how to show the love of God.

Learning to show God's love requires a great deal of work and we will truly need the help of the Holy Spirit to do so..... but then again, that is why it is called a fruit of the 'Spirit'.

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