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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Easy does it

We all know the analogy that an Oak tree is simply an acorn that stood it's ground. Seeds need time in the soil in the right conditions with nutrients and moisture to make them grow.

In younger years, youthful enthusiasm lead me to rush into projects. It's not that I didn't take the time to think things through, but rather that I didn't allow those ideas time to germinate.

The bible says that we need to let the word of God dwell in us richly. This means that we need to allow the word of God to take root in us, so that it can mature and bring forth good fruit.

This applies equally to the dreams we have. We need to allow God time to germinate our visions so that as they grow the wind will not simply blow them away.

If you have a dream, don't give up on it! We don't see the germination process but when our dream grows slowly but surely we can be assured that it will endure and stand the test of time.

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