Is peace merely the absence of war? Is peace the tranquil feeling in a still calm zone or a quiet breeze? Is peace the absence of conflict or a state of order? No, I think not! Peace is the anchor of our soul and a rock on which to build our faith.
Peace should be our guiding force and our compass true North. Many people ask God for signs to give them guidance or they seek a prophet to hear God's voice. Our strongest guidance should be the peace that surpasses all understanding. When circumstances tell you there is no hope, peace gives us strength to wait for God's timing.
We often rush and make hasty decisions based on need rather than trusting God to provide for every situation. Growing our fruit of peace requires learning to trust God when we would otherwise run. As we develop an understanding of the work of peace in our lives we can take the time necessary to make the right choices and decisions based on sound advice and trusted facts.
Rest in God's peace today and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you not by voices but a quiet centre of gravity that peace instills in our soul.