Monday, March 21, 2016


I'm sure you are as grateful as I am for another public holiday season with today being Human Rights day. I decided to spend the morning in bed with the kitties doing the computer work I normally do on Sunday nights.

This year I volunteered to play a very small part in setting up the 'Stations of the cross' display that normally takes place every Easter at our church. As I was wrapping the draping around the one metal cross on display I accidentally grazed my forehead on the one metal spike...ouch!

This got me thinking about the crown of thorns placed on Jesus head during His persecution. They were thick and poisonous thorns and I'm sure as the poison ran into the veins in His forehead, it must have swelled.

At that point in History there were no “Human Rights” and there were no global treaties protecting humanity and so torturers could do as they pleased and go unpunished. Today thankfully those treaties do exist, although they are often violated.

Jesus died to take the punishment for our sins and restore to us our humanity, so let us be thankful for His gift and continue to meditate on the work that the Cross of Christ has accomplished.

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