Monday, February 4, 2019

Sleeping Beauty

After two rough months of dealing with health issues, my body was just finished and exhaustion.  I went to bed early Saturday night, somewhere between 5-6pm, slept through most of the night without much disturbance, woke up around 6am thinking that I'd had enough sleep.  That didn't last long and after having breakfast I fell asleep again, waking round lunch time.  I dragged myself out of bed and had a shower and lunch and after a short walk lay down on the couch, only to fall asleep again.  This time when evening arrived I finally felt better. 

I think at times we forget that our bodies are not machines, we are not meant to be working at such a prolific pace that we never arrive at a place of feeling rested.   I wish I had a cats life, sleep for most of the day and have a short awake time early in the morning and then again in the afternoon or evening. 

Hebrews 4 tells us that there is a special kind of rest for the people of God.  It is called a Sabbath rest.  In modern day times we have lost the meaning of that word, Sabbath, but it refers to a complete, peaceful and total rest from all works.  When we learn to enter into the type of rest that God has created for us then we find ourselves in a complete place of peace and calm, knowing that God has all things in His mighty hands.  If God himself could rest without fear that His creation would fall apart, then we too can learn this kind of rest. 

I want to encourage you that whatever your circumstances are right now, you can still enter into the type of rest that God has created for you and find peace and strength in Him!

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