Monday, February 18, 2019

Pressure pressure

I love my job and I love what I do.  Even though strong artistic tendancies reside within me, I still could not live without looking at numbers.......and yes I can hear some people just going Arrrgh, I can't think of anything worse.  The one tough thing about working with numbers though is that there is ALWAYS pressure.  I have yet to work in an accounting role and not face the daunting stress of deadlines.  The busier you are the busier you get. 

I wouldn't have it any other way though.  Take away too much work and I'll go nuts with boredom.  Being on the brink of insanity constantly keeps the juices flowing.  Yet in the midst of all of this, there has to be an island, a little spot where we can tuck ourselves away into a corner and just be....for me that's art and believe it or not, words are art too, they are the art of the soul and literary art is rich with imagination. 

Oh how I love to tell a story, to caste a picture or to bring back to life stories of old, and as I have committed myself to writing more regularly again, I can feel the call to throw myself in pure abandon to a world where words are my brush and I can paint the page blue without ever lifting a brush but to touch my keyboard. 

Stress fades, joy comes and peace flows when my keypad ticks away.  Knowing I can escape to this world brings great bliss and strength, strength to know that another day might come and go, and my time with my keyboard will roll around once more. 

God loves it when we find out island and he blesses our plans when we do, so I encourage you in the weeks to come to join me on this delightful journey again once more.

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