Sunday, May 21, 2017

Nothing instant about art

I have realized this weekend how many of my artistic endeavours take a very long time to finish. My garden has been a labour of love for many years and every year it changes little by little into the perfect garden I have desired. My recent endeavour to build small fairy and Gnome houses has surprised me as to how long it can take to stick some rocks on a pot. Each little house takes several days to build as the glue can only hold so many stones at a time before they slide off.

My other current project to make more polar fleece curtains is taking ages to do as I really am not very good yet at all and just cutting and pinning them this Saturday took hours. Then there is the painting that I haven't done anything of in recent weeks, that really takes weeks to finish when I do start. Being creative is not a quick business at all.

So why is it that we expect everything to be quick when it comes to our spiritual walk? Why do we ask God to create love, family, our careers, or anything else for that matter overnight? Are we not God's greatest masterpiece? No there is nothing quick about being artistic and that is why God is in no hurray to paint our lives in the brilliant colours that He sees when He looks at us.

So if you have been wondering why it is taking so long to see God at work in your life, know this....

God is working in your life, one stroke, one stitch, one piece at a time and He is patient with us. Let us learn to be patient with ourselves and with His processes working in our lives.

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