My choice to eliminate meat products as
much as possible from my life was a choice of preference and not a
rule that I enforce on others, I do however always appreciate it when
I can stick to that as closely as possible. Unfortunately sometimes
circumstances require compromise. Such was the case with my recent
visit to Kimberly.
Mom made every effort to accommodate me
and that was hugely appreciated, however when she felt like a quick
meal of pies, I was happy to return the favour by accepting a chicken
pie. It came time for lunch to be served and mom handed me mine. As
I sliced it open my pie, I noticed the sauce looked a little
different. I tasted it and it tasted like pepper and I was confused
but I didn't want to seem ungrateful so I took a few bites, only to
discover that it wasn't quite the chicken I thought it would be.
Nevertheless I kept quite and ate away.
Lenn finished his pie too, only to pipe up afterwards with “June,
where did you buy these pies?” Here came trouble...tee hee...Mom
replied with the store name and he politely asked that she ask them
next time what had happened to his pepper steak ...Lol! Busted!
Well an amusing fight ensued with mom
denying that she had accidentally switched the pies, while she was
mad that we didn't pipe up sooner about the mistake rather than
eating each others pies. Oh my gosh what a laugh!
Well what pray tell would be the moral
of this story.....?
When in doubt, ask. Ask for clarity,
ask for more information, ask for help, ask for reassurance, ask for
strength, ask for wisdom and above all else, ask for forgiveness,
mercy and grace. When we ask God, we can trust God and expect the
blessing of receiving that for which we have asked.........
…. and if you doubt this to be
true..... Ask for Faith!
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