Monday, October 17, 2016

Supper sucks

I was reminded of my 20's very quickly on Sunday night when I cooked a meal that totally sucked! Quite frankly I should have known better!! Now I'm not going to disclose the nature of my disaster but any rationally thinking human being would have seen that one coming. I think I did too but I was just being to stubborn to admit it.

Quite honestly I don't know how I ever survived my 20's. Most of my meals came from cans and when I did venture to cooking a meal, it often ended up in the bin. Back then the culprit was my heavy hand with salt, hence to this day I seldom cook with salt but prefer to add it in the plate.

Why I was being so stubborn in proceeding down a path I knew would end up in disaster I don't know, but I guess that's the moral of the story. How often in life don't we see our own mistakes staring us in the face before we commit them but we stubbornly proceed by kidding ourselves that somehow we will get a different result.

Eish peeps, let's wise up a little and just think twice before we jump!

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