Sunday, January 24, 2016

Have a little patience

It happened a couple of months ago when I noticed my microwave oven just wasn't cooking like it should.  Upon investigation I was told that the magnetron (the thingie that makes the microwave cook) was busted and to get it fixed was going to cost more than the whole oven cost when I bought it.

Well it wasn't a difficult decision to dump it.  What was a more difficult decision was to resist the urge to rush out and buy one straight away.  I decided I should push myself a bit and wait until I had enough money at month end (right before payday) to get it.  You see changing spending habits is a matter of will. 

Well I'm pleased to say, that at the end of a very long month, as the December to January pay day usually is due to early December pay, I finally got it today.  What a joy to be able to get it at the end of such a long month.  Usually by now I would have been penniless...tee hee!

Getting a new microwave wasn't such a big deal, what was a big deal was learning again to have the patience to wait for the things we want in life rather than to rush into things.  When we act in patience the joy is far more rewarding when we eventually get what we've been wanting.

Learn to wait on God and wait for His timing!  It really is worth is!

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