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Friday, April 27, 2012

Record numbers

I'll never forget the line of people as it just never ended. The first free and fair elections held in South Africa this day, 27 April 1994. Living in Craighall at the time, none of us could have anticipated the turn out. The months before had been marred by violence and blood shed and many dooms day sayer's were predicting the election would lead to civil war.

Instead, we stood in peace, side by side. Black, White, Coloured, Indian all casting our vote. The turnout was astounding, every South African wanted to make their mark that day, so much so that voting was extended by a second day and a second public holiday was declared to assist with completing the process. Even then, standing in the line the second day it still took hours before we could caste our votes.

How did we manage to find peace in that troubled time? I believe it's because millions of Christians were praying. The power of prayer should never be underestimated. When Christians unite and stand together, believing God for victory, we can change the the circumstances for an individual, a family and even a nation.

Never forget the power of prayer!

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