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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wait up!

Different translations of Galations 5:22 use the words patience and longsuffering interchangeably. Quite correct! There are times in life when you are going to be in for a looooooong, long wait and it is most likely going to be painful to do so. The trick is, is there purpose in your waiting?

The things in life that are truly worth while are definitely worth the effort. I said yesterday that we shouldn't rush to prophets for a word from God and that is because, in my experience, any time God does give you a prophecy, it means you are in for wait and you are going to need that word to hold on to.

Good things do come to those who wait upon the Lord! When we find our strength in him, our joy will be restored. Dig deep and find the faith to hold onto the promises God has given you for your life.

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