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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's off to Egypt we go

Joseph was warned in a dream to take Jesus to Egypt because Herod wanted to destroy baby Jesus. God provided a way out. I'm pretty sure Joseph wasn't keen on going to Egypt, but that is where God chose to send them.

The bible tells us that God will make a way in the wilderness. This means that when our lives are dry and barren and there seems to be no end to our spiritual drought that God will make a way for us to get out of that situation.

I suppose you could call this a 'second chance' if you like. There is nothing that God cannot redeem, but it does require us to have a heart that is willing to listen and obey. Joseph could have said, “it was just a dream” and ignored the warning, but he had the good sense to obey God.

If you are facing difficult circumstances, incline your ear to God and listen to his heart beat for you. When we are still before him, he will guide us through the wilderness to the other side.

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