Everyday God - Amazon

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


During our recent train trip home from Durban, a little boy came and stuck his head round our compartment door and then ran away. I thought it would be fun to start the "boo" game. So when I next heard the pitter patter of little feet, I waited, then pounced with a "boo" as his head rounded the corner.

After several repeats, with him running away every time, he rounded the corner again. This time instead of running away he looked at me with big eyes, then said boo back to me. His courage was so cute!

Often we come to God with fear and trepidation when Father God is just wishing we would just leap into his arms. God is waiting to see if you will have the courage to stare into his gaze and worship him.

When we respond to God in this way, we learn intimacy with God. This is his hearts desire for us.

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