Everyday God - Amazon

Monday, January 11, 2021


I've heard many people bleating, "here we go again!"  This Covid thing just won't end.  We have all had more than our fair share of troubles caused by this disease and we are all sick of it.  We are sick off the loss, the pain if ill, the sadness and grief at senseless deaths, the economic drain and I could go on. 

Today, being my first day back at work, I have been trying to encourage my team to look at the positives that we have gained.  Usually at the start of the year returning to work, or actually after every leave, I would be a wound up wreck.  Much due to the stress of knowing what work load I am returning too but also the stress of having to leave my home environment to go back to work, leaving my precious, but naughty fur balls alone all day and possibly only arriving back home each night after dark. 

Well, this year was different.  I barely had to change my wardrobe, Lol! I was able to get up, get ready for work and walk downstairs, switch my PC on and get going.  It truly is a precious joy for me to be able to work from home.  I value being in the same space as my babies and being able to spend time with them. 

This season opened up new friendships as I was able to join a home fellowship group at the church I was still fairly new in when lock down started.  I was able to enjoy the warmth of my fireplace when winter was showing its nasty teeth.  I have been able to enjoy the blessing of working for a company that is filled with so many wonderful Christ followers and that has been a true blessing to me.  

Can I challenge you to count your Covid blessings and if you are feeling up to sharing those with others, would you be so kind as to send me your story or testimony to GWG.Ronwyn@gmail.com.  I would love to hear from you. 

Let's choose today to give thanks to God for what we have received in this time and give him the honour and praise that He is due!


  1. There are many blessings even if the clouds are dark. X

  2. I must say I have also found many blessings during this Covid time. I am a teacher. I loved working from home as it gave me an opportunity to get to know the parents better and to reach the children on a more individual basis. And even when we went back to school, only having half the class and no extramurals took a lot of the stress off of me. The lockdown also gave me the opportunity to spend quality time with the people I lived with, we built puzzles, played games and had time to reminisce about the past.

    My husband and I got married during Level 2 and it was hard for me (you can watch my testimony on Mosaiek's YouTube channel). We couldn't have all our guests and we couldn't have the wedding I always dreamed of. But God still made the day super special and our wedding will definitely be remembered by all. Firstly because they had to wear masks etc, but also because they got to see their friends for the first time in over 4 months.

    The Pandemic has also helped people to change their view about what's really important in life and how precious life is.

  3. That is very special, thank you for sharing your insights and thanks for reading my blog!
