Monday, January 15, 2018

A scar or a nuisance

Just over a week ago I went to the doctors office for my annual check up and while I was there I booked to have a mole removed that was interfering with my clothing. While we had the needles, anaesthetic and stitches out, I asked my Doc if she would remove another mole for me.

This mole was not getting the knife for interfering with anything other than my patience. Two little hairs would always grow out the middle, annoying me no end. My Doc obliged and it is now busy healing. I had decided that I would rather deal with the scar than the nuisance.

Now my immediate thoughts would be that this would remind me about the story Paul told about the fact that if our hand is causing us to sin, we should cut it off, but there is another side to this as well. Have you not perhaps considered that maybe there are things in our lives, spiritual or natural, that we should just cut out because they draw our focus away from God and onto the annoying problem?

I decided to stop watching the News a while ago. I was getting so agitated and negative and it just simply stirred all the wrong emotions. It made me focus more on how horrible human beings are instead of the Grace and Mercy of Christ, which was given for all of us.

So what annoying moles do you need to cut out of your life?

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