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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lettuce galore

After a long lie in on Saturday morning, it was once again time for gardening so off I headed to Lifestyle. After a quick breakfast and checking the specials I started hunting for my stock. The specials had one item of interest being a Blueberry plant and seeing as my last one died, I was keen to try it again, but instead of planting it in the tyres it went straight to the front garden.

My next goal was lettuce galore. I can easily consume 2 lettuce's a week when I'm into my greens so it gets expensive. I was specifically on the look out for varieties that had loose leaves that I could cut out piece by piece instead of harvesting the whole plant as I think that will give me the best result. It didn't take long to find at least 4 trays that are worth the effort. To my surprise I found one other item of interest, a tumbling tomato. Now this particularly intrigued me as I have tried the regular tomato with disastrous results, i.e. my plants fighting for global domination and taking over the whole garden. Apparently this variety is bread specifically to grow in pots, so we'll see how it goes. Now the big fight will be to see who wins, me or the critters.

Only time will tell if I win or if I have to go back to the drawing board with these gardening ideas but I won't know unless I try. Growing spinach was highly successful but all I have to do now is get the right crop rotation going.

In our spiritual lives, believe it or not there are certain things that are bit of trial and error until we figure them out right. I have seen this often when ministering to people in the area of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There were many people who told me they have tried before but it didn't 'work'. Well I certainly can't judge them for as to why, but the one thing I know it is learning to know that the Holy Spirit is a person who wants to be a part of your life and have a relationship with you and not just a once off experience that makes all the difference.

If something is missing in your spiritual garden, why not ask the Holy Spirit to introduce Himself to you and get to know Him first. I am sure that once you do that you will easily get to the point where you will very easily be able to pray, “Come Holy Spirit I need you. Fill me with the Baptism of your Spirit today and let me know the joy of your secret language of speaking in tongues.”

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