I got it wrong. Tale goes back to just after Honey passed, I thought
“Ginger” needed a new bed to help 'him' cope with the change. So
I bought him the cutest burger bed and he could squeeze himself in
and he really seemed to like it. Then along came miss Topaz, so I
felt she needed one too. Problem was they did not have stock of that
model so I had to buy another one which was slightly larger and did
not close in front. No problem, I thought, I'll just cover it with a
blanket. I therefore decided Ginger could have the new one and Topaz
could get the burger bed.
did that plan backfire! Firstly, missy being a shelter cat at the
time, had no need for being covered up so she kept jumping out and
jumping back into the open basket. Then another kitty behind a
blanket in another basket was just too much temptation and she
pounced on it constantly. Well summer came and we were back to the
old open baskets so all was back to normal, except that the winter
beds are both on top of my one cupboard and he can manage to jump up
there but she can't. Does she whine about that! Constantly wants to
get on top just so she can lie in it too.
so now I'm thinking the only way to solve this problem is to get her
one just like his. Got she interested?....not a chance.
Sigh! Then I got to thinking about what's the real problem here,
besides the fact that I like spoiling my cats and wasting money on
them, dah! I watched her behaviour and she jumps in, looks around as
if to say, okay looks the same, but it just isn't mine yet, I don't
trust this! Luckily we have some time before it really gets cold so
I figured out a plan. I have put the new bed downstairs in her
arrival bedroom and when I want her to get in it I just put her food
inside and sit with her to get her to settle down and eat. I figure
she'll be ready for it by the time its necessary (I hope).
a cats world trust truly has to be earned and God knows it is no
different with us when we first come to Christ and receive Him as
saviour. That is why He will woo a new believer by making sure that
they specifically see answers to prayers quickly, they experience
healing at a fast past and many other things that we have to stand in
faith for. Truth be told God never stops answering our prayers, I
believe in time we loose our child like faith in Him and that is
something we need to focus on again in our spiritual walk so that we
can trust our Abba Father's arms just as easily as we did when we
first came to Christ.
truly is a matter of trust. Trust God today to lead you and guide
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