Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Caught in the act

I'm grateful that my Honey is once again making a recovery from a his medical issues.  The vet did however insist that all commercial foods be discontinued and that he stick to his prescription diet.  The problem is that cats are scavengers by nature due to their strong survival instincts.  This means I've had to enlist the help of my neighbours.

While visiting one neighbour last night to negotiate with her to use the only other safe alternative my little guy snuck in and politely tucked into her cats food.  He was caught in the act and while I was annoyed by the intrusion it did go to prove my point.

His sins earned him a spank and he was removed and chased home, Lol!

We are all caught in the act of sin one time or another.  How did Jesus handle indiscretion?  We see this beautifully displayed in the story of the women caught in adultery.  Scholars believe that this women was dragged into the street to face Jesus naked, while the man involved was left to walk free.  Jesus response?  Total grace.  He challenged the pharisees by writing in the sand and they left one by one.

The apostles make no mention of what He wrote but by their response it is believed that He may have written down the names of all the men who had committed the same act with this very women.  We are all quick to judge but I think we need to ask ourselves how we would want to be treated in the same situation.

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