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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Opportunity for what?

Opportunity – this word brings up emotions of hope, anticipation, joy, excitement and wonder. Yet in Matthew 26 we read that Judas, once he had made his deal with the Pharisees was just looking for his opportunity to betray Christ. What a blow, the devil is out there looking for every opportunity he can to hurt you and cause you pain, be it emotionally, physically, mentally or spiritually. I'm sorry to say he does succeed and that leaves us feeling hurt, let down, angry at life and very often angry at God.

Guess what I've learned.....God doesn't get offended when we get mad at him and you know why? Because Jesus felt the sting of betrayal. A disciple he had kept close to him for three years, sold him out for 30 pieces of silver....... darn that must have hurt!

Yet this betrayal, set in motion the events that we now know would lead to the ultimate crucifixion of Christ (and No the cross is not just something we need to talk about at Easter, but every day). Ultimately God used this betrayal and we also know the end of that story. Christ has risen, death has been defeated and our salvation has been secured for eternity.

So when it feels like life has taken a smack at you, be angry, feel the feelings, cry if you need to but when you done, look the Devil in the eye and say, “Buddy, you picked on the wrong person, I'm covered by the blood of Christ and you're about to get a smack back to hell where you belong.” God will ALWAYS have the ultimate victory!

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