Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My potted Geranium

This weekend I spotted a flower bud on my potted Geranium. This
prompted me to get out the sheers and prune the ones in the garden.
It's not a pretty sight with the plants looking all bare but it has to
be done. In order for plants to spring forth new life, some old
growth needs to be cut back.

While pruning away, I noticed some branches had died and gone black. I
had to ensure that all the dead portions were cut away. In John 15,
Jesus spoke about the fact that he is the vine and we are the
branches. If a branch does not bear fruit it must be cut off and

In our spiritual lives this means that we need to be able to assess
our lives and decide what areas in our lives are 'dead wood' and cut
them out. This might be a habit or temperament issue we need to deal

Is it perhaps time for you to do a little gardening?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Light bulb moment

Thomas Edison has been widely professed as the inventor of the electric light bulb. A little digging through history, paints a different story. There were in fact many other inventors who had made developments on the electric light bulb prior to Edison.

Edison did however produce the first light bulb that could be cost effectively reproduced in large scale. Edison is accredited as being the most prolific inventor of his time with 1093 US patents in his name. What most don't know is that Edison had staff doing development work for him but that the final product was accredited to him.

More digging reveals that Edison's business practices were dubious, even going as far as bribery and selling counterfeit movies, resulting in bankrupting his competitor. The question I ask myself is where is the integrity in all that?

God's desire is for our lives to glorify him and to achieve this, we need to live a life of integrity. What do you want people to remember you for? Do you honour God in your dealings?

Monday, August 29, 2011

The good gone bad

With all there is to admire about the work of Alexander Graham Bell, not everything he did led to a positive outcome. His connections to the eugenics movement, experience with livestock breeding, and experience working with the deaf, led him to conclude that children born to congenitally deaf parents would themselves be born deaf.

Bell called these, “a defective variety of the human race”. By the 1930's half the states in the US had eugenics laws and the California laws were used as a model for eugenics laws in Nazi Germany. We all know where that ended with Adolf Hitler's theory of a “master race”.

What can we learn from this? We need to carefully consider what message we send out into the world. Had this knowledge been blended with the love and compassion of Christ, history may have told a different tale.

Are you ensuring that the views you hold passionately in life are sent out with a compassionate message?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thoughts on Bell

Alexander Graham Bell will always be remembered for his work and inventions in the field of telephones, yet in his 75 years here on earth his accomplishments ranged across many fields.

There is no doubt that this one man had a profound impact on the way we live today. All of this after being a school drop out at the age of 15. His huge curiosity for the world around him lead him to study continually about anything that grabbed his curiosity. The question for us today is, why do we place limitations on ourselves when today we have access to more information than any time in history?

There is no greater force that demonstrates the creative nature of God than human curiosity. How does human curiosity affect our faith? If we thirst and hunger to know him, we will be able to have a relationship with him. I know every day I am challenged to seek a little further to know my creator, will you do the same? 

P.S. For more detailed blog, email me for a copy at:, Regards, Ronwyn

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ring, ring

A day without a telephone, for some would be bliss, but for others, sheer torture. Ironically it was his mothers loss of hearing that drove Alexander Graham Bell to study acoustics and audiology. Both his father and grandfather worked on elecution and speech. In 1876, Bell patented the first telephone.

What was the basic need that Bell was trying to fulfill? The need to communicate. The need to be able to clearly express ourselves to others. Most of us struggle with this very same issue when it comes to our relationship with God.

Thankfully, God has given us a superior communication devise....the Holy Spirit. When we allow the Holy Spirit to communicate to God through us, we are able to bring God's omnipresence directly in connection with our human spirit.

I'm sure you've used your telephone to friends and colleagues today. Have you used your supernatural telephone?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Woody Woodchuck

So don't tell me you haven't done it, judged someone for something only to realize that the only way you were able to recognise their fault is because you have done exactly the same thing. A log and a speck, that 's what Jesus called them in Matthew 7v5.

In some cases our logs and speck's may not be something of a sinful nature, they can even be emotional issues like trust. We may be uncomfortable with someone else's behaviour only to find that we are struggling with the same issues too.

That's where grace comes in. Learn to show others grace, and determine in your heart to deal with your own issues first, then once that is done, you may be able to minister to other's from a position of compassion and love.

If I've pinched a nerve, fear not, today I'm really preaching to myself :-)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I confess, I've had one. A speeding ticket that is. Hence the reason, when I last went hunting for a new car, I decided to get one with an 1100cc engine. Now getting to 120 Km p/h on the highway is a major achievement. Now the worst I have to fear is a fine for doing 80 in a 60 zone.

Jesus spoke about this principle too in Matthew 18 v 7-9. His principle was that if something is causing you to sin, create a limitation that stops you from doing that sin. Is it really that simple though? I assure you it can be.

I can't decide for you where you should set these boundaries, but it can be done. It just takes a little honesty, introspection and of course some guidance from the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit today to show you which areas of your life need a little work.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Break horse power

Talk about break horse power and you'll get the attention of any petrol head. Man's preoccupation with speed spans many millenia.

Look at any good formula 1 team and you'll soon see that a winning result not only comes from a fast car but relies on the skill of the driver, having good reliability and a good pit crew.

So why is it that with our relationship with God we expect speed without the winning formula? So what is the formula then?

For speed, you need to hunger and thirst after God. For reliability you need strong faith. To develop faith and skill, you need a regular dose of the word. To fill your pit crew you'll need strong christians around you.

Happy motoring!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Best candidate

The bible doesn't tell us how Deborah came to be a Judge in Israel. What is clear is that she was respected and the people came to her for counsel. In a time of war, in a battle Israel should have lost, Deborah summoned an army under Barak. God intervened with rain and Israel's army won.

Women in ministry has been a long contended issue, with most proponents against female leaders sighting Old Testament principles as reasons not to include women in leadership. Here clearly in the early days of Israel, we see a women, hearing from God and leading a nation not only in matters of wisdom, but in war as well.

When looking for leadership in our lives we should follow leaders based on no other principle, but that they are the best candidate for the job. Are you a person who has withheld getting involved in ministry because you are afraid of being ridiculed? Let Deborah be your inspiration and have the courage to spend time in God's presence and hear from him. Then rise as the leader God has created you to be, and lead!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Saved in the water

There are several women who were instrumental in protecting baby Moses life, allowing him the opportunity to become the leader of the Jewish nation. One of these women was his sister Miriam. She showed the baby to Pharaoh's daughter and arranged for Moses mother to nurse him.

Miriam and Aaron were Moses older brother and sister. They questioned Moses authority on this basis, with the question, “Has the Lord spoken through only Moses and not through us also?” This question was profound as it asked three question: How do we know what God wants? What ways does God speak to us? Who has authority over us?

Don't these questions sound so familiar even in our time. Unfortunately Miriam didn't have the advantage of the rich heritage of scripture that we have today. Thankfully today we know that God guides and speaks to us by his word and the Holy Spirit. His word is also the ultimate authority in our lives.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The bold and the beautiful

Forget the bold and the beautiful, if you thought relationships in the TV show were weird, wait till you read about Tamar. Tamar had been married to Er and Onan, Judah's sons. Both died without giving her a child (on purpose). Judah's youngest son was too young to be married so he sent Tamar away.

Tamar was determined to fulfill her responsibilities to produce an heir to Judah, the tribe leader. So to succeed in her mission, she seduces Judah and bears twin boys named Perez and Zerah. Perez became the ancestor of Jesus.

Tamar's determined actions seem strange to us today, but were legal in her time. The spiritual laws under which we live today have changed through Jesus ministry. God will honour our lives when we follow his principles set in his word.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The seduction

In the ancient world, Egypt was admired as one of the most sophisticated nations. Where does our little Jew boy Joseph find himself? Sold as a slave to Egypt after he bragged to his brothers about a dream he had about them bowing to him.

Through hard work, Joseph built himself up from the bottom as a common slave to eventually running Potihphar's household. Lonely and neglected, Potihphar's wife felt her world had let her down. She had power over her slaves but not her own life. She tries to convince Joseph to sleep with her. He does the noble thing and run's away.

Joseph's story should remind us that we do have power over the tempter, Satan. Like potihphar's wife, satan has influence over peoples lives but no power over his own, his fate is sealed. The next time the devil comes with temptation, remind him of his future.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Be careful what you sew

We all know the scriptures about sewing and reaping, but we often don't think about the vaste scope that this principle covers. Jacob had used deceit to obtain his brothers birthright and fathers blessing. This behaviour was returned when his future father-in-law Laban, deceived him into taking Leah in marriage first before Rachel.

Between these two women and their concubines, they bore to Jacob the sons that would become the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel, but these children came at a price. Rachel the wife Jacob loved, died while giving birth to Benjamin.

I've heard it said that you will loose what you compromise for. We can't expect God to bless our actions when they are not grounded in his word. We need to allow the word of God to govern our actions and lead us as we build our lives.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

To lead or not to lead

One would be tempted to ignore the story about Rebecca. After all the most common traits we see running through her story are deceit and her strong willed nature. She was a hard worker, a tribe matriarch and an ambitious women.

Although women have grown in business stature and knowledge, there is always a tendency to still respect stronger male role models than women. The one fact that is overlooked in her story is that she sought God's council and God clearly told her in Numbers 12 that the younger son was to be the future leader.

Women are by nature more sensitive, which affords them the opportunity to hear the Holy Spirit clearly. Proverbs 31 tells us that a women who fears the Lord is to be praised. We should never forget to honour our female leaders.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Watch the strife

Hagar's story is one of courage, but also of enmity. She ran away while pregnant with Ishmael and only when spoken to by God, did she return to the tribe and deliver her son. Isaac was born 14 years later. Later caste out of the tribe, she endured near death until lead to water.

Every year during the Hajj, Muslims retrace the steps of Hagar in the desert. Interesting, a slave women gets remembered in such a sacred way. If the problem with the relationship with Hagar and Sarah had been resolved any differently, who knows where world history would be today. If Hagar had been fully received into the Jewish community there is no doubt that Ishmael would have learnt a whole different set of values.

We forget that our choices in this lifetime, will have an impact on generations to come. The devil will always use strife in a family to destroy them. Keep watch over your family and ask God to protect your unity and give peace to your family, so that your children's future may be governed by grace and peace.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Worn out

Beat, dead, exhausted, worn out. Do you know that feeling? I know I certainly have. Sarah and Abraham knew this all to well as well, but in a different light. God says to Abraham and Sarah, you will have a son and what do they both do? Laugh at God.

Why? Well both Abraham and Sarah were well past child bearing age, so the possibility of having a child.....impossible to man. Not with God, he works a miracle and Isaac is born.

Have you given up on a dream and said, “Well I'm just to old for that to happen now”. Friend, never underestimate the power of God to rejuvenate life. If Abraham and Sarah could conceive well past their prime and Moses could get called to lead his people out of slavery at 80, then nothing is impossible to God.

God knows the secret desires of your heart! Trust him, he will bring them to pass!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In the beginning – Eve

We often get so caught up in the story of the fall of mankind, that we miss some important lessons that this story can teach us. Eve was easily led astray by the serpent because she had not ever experienced deceit. In her enquiring mind, there was no thought that the serpent would lie to her, hence her easy acceptance of his words as truth.

It was a fatal mistake, but one that should remind us that the quest for knowledge should always be balanced by wisdom. For us these concepts might be normal, but like any child exploring it's world for the first time, Eve was curious, and was easily deceived.

In the same way that we deserve grace and forgiveness, God shows his grace to Adam and Eve by slaughtering an animal and covering them in the blood soaked skin. If nothing else, the message of God's first created women Eve, should be one to remind us of the Grace of God.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Don't mind the fluff

Like all cats, my two get into regular fights. Currently there is a patch of lawn that is covered in cat fluff. Yesterday morning, as I opened the lounge curtain, I witnessed an amazing sight. A little birdie was picking up the fluff and carrying it in his mouth, shortly before taking off and heading in the direction of what I assume is his new nest that he is preparing.

Witnessing natures recycling process first hand reminded me that in nature nothing is wasted. The nasty cat fight left building material for a soft fluffy nest. Some experiences we go through, especially the fights that leave us a bit bruised may seem a wasted life experience. Yet, we can know in God nothing is wasted.

God's desire is for us to use every life experience to grow in our relationship with him and with the people in our lives. If we can grow stronger and wiser through the experience, we will have redeemed that which was hurtful.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cake unlimited

7 August 1973 may not have been a hugely significant day, except for Mr & Mrs DV Hughes. Yip, if you haven't guessed it yet, that's the day that I was born :-) One rule I have is that around birthday time is that I can have as much cake as I like. No stress about calories, fat or any such nasty business. Lol!

Truth be told though, you can only eat so much cake. That is until the Afrikaans phrase meaning “sweet to behind the ears”, becomes true. There is one thing that we can never get enough of though, that is the Agape love of God.

He showers us with love every day in many ways. It is up to us to open our hearts to be able to receive this very complete, pure, unconditional love that God has for us. When we open our heart to his Agape love and allow him to minister to us, that is when we are truly complete in him!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


When you first start trying to exercise again after a long while off, it can be really difficult. Your joints are stiff and muscles tight and it can just be plain aaarrrggh! Our Christian walk can be like that too. Maybe you moved away from your relationship with God for a while or it just hasn't been a real focus. Getting back to a daily walk with God after that can require some work.

The trick with getting things back on track with your relationship with God is the same as with exercising. Start slowly. Most of us get into a guilt trip and we think we have to pay penance for our slack attitude towards our faith and we try to swallow great big chunks of the bible in one go. The problem with that idea is that once you get to chapter 10 of Genesis, you've probably lost interest again.

Take small steps but then keep the momentum going. Make it an exciting challenge and you'll soon find that before you know it, you are wrapped up in God again. God loves us and all he wants is for us to spend time in his presence. Isn't that what relationships are about anyway?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Numbering the days

Today was a rushed day. While heating my food in the office microwave I found a few minutes to quickly read Matthew 1 (it's great having your bible on your phone). In this chapter Matthew recounts the genealogy of Christ through his earthly father Josephs line. He makes special mention that there are 3 sets of 14 generations running all the way back from Abraham.

So often in life we think that our time on earth is just a co-incidence, two cells merging and out we popped. We forget that God has measured every one of our lives back through every generations and that we are here on earth for an appointed time, for an appointed purpose.

I have found comfort in God in knowing that this time of writing is absolutely the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason and I have resigned myself to fulfilling this calling.

God knows your days, every one of them is precious before God.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sticks and stones

We all know the saying, “Stick and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Well this is completely unscriptural. Proverbs 18 v 21 tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Many of us have been in relationships whether family or romantic where our spirits (emotionally) have been crushed.

So how do we recover from that? Romans 12 v 2 tells us that we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Basically we need to re-write our memory data base. To do this, replace the negative memory of those words with the powerful promises available to us through scripture.

It may help to subscribe to a website that can send you promises in scripture straight to your email. To help you get started, I will be posting some links to sites that I find on the “GrowingwithGod by Ronwyn” Facebook page, so if you haven't 'liked' the page, now might be a good time to start :-)

Monday, August 1, 2011

I love me

Today, after a few months break, I decided it was time to go back to the gym. While there I realized that in the past I've gone to gym with the hope of loosing a few kilo's or centimeters. None of those reasons were good enough to keep me going through the cold winter months. From now on, I'm going to gym for my own happiness and the pleasure I get from training, because it is one of the ways to love myself.

Jesus said in Matthew 22 v 39 that we must love our neighbour as we love ourselves. Many people have nothing to give others, because they have for various reasons not been able to love themselves.

What can you do today to say to yourself, “I love me”?