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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Little copper wire

We all struggle with issues of identity at some point or another. One of the biggest questions we ask in life is, “What is my worth”? When trying to find the value of our lives we often compare ourselves to others through our own value systems, instead of God's value system.

Take precious metals for example. We all revere Gold and Platinum because of their beauty displayed in jewelry. Yet if you consider value in terms of usefulness, copper stands out for it's unique ability to transmit and retain high temperatures and it's incredible strength. It's many uses like: conducting electricity; conduit piping for water; wire for appliances and even musical instruments make it a unique and valuable commodity.

It's functionality is usually hidden inside plastic casings or appliances and thus we are often unaware of it's existence. Just because we can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't fulfilling a valuable function. God has made us all unique, for a specific purpose. Ask God to show you what function you play in the body of Christ, then accept that you are valuable to God, whether you are “on display” or carefully hidden.

You are precious to God!

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