Everyday God - Amazon

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Great big ball of gas

“Solar energy's uses are limited only by human ingenuity.” This quote by wikipedia and echoed through all of science tells us that only a small fraction of the available power we need to power our earth is currently being used. The emense atomic sized explosions that take place on the sun on a regular basis are a testament to its immense power. The issue here is that the potential has not been properly harnassed.

Our talents are like that. Great power lies within us when we release our creativity and find the inner strength to step out and do what God has created us for. His desire is for us to live a complete and fulfilled life. In order to do that we have to harness the potential within us and use it to power our dreams.

Never underestimate your potential. Your gift might not be to invent new technology, but if you can make someone laugh or smile, you will have fulfilled his devine purpose for your life. Ask God today to help you find a way to harness your potential and go for it!

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