Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A state of being resigned

There are always a lot of emotions that you go through once you've resigned from a position. Some feel elation, others relief, others excitement or just pure joy. Whatever the state you may find yourself in it is clearly because a decision was made.

At a time of being resigned you feel in control and as though you have direction and focus and at least for the short term you feel that you have clarity about life. But why is it that we only allow ourselves to feel this way when we have done a resignation? Shouldn't we be capable of having clear and constructive thought about our future more often than that?

For the last three years, at the beginning of the year, I have chosen an animal to represent the direction that I want my life to take and so far it has been spot on target and my life has followed a pattern I chose at the beginning of the year. 2015 was the year of the Dinosaur and breaking old barriers. 2016 was the lion (or lion heart) year, and with the loss of my little lion, that as certainly true, but it was also a year to be brave. This year 2017 has been the Eagle year, a time to rise to new challenges and soar to new heights and I can see now that I am certainly on track for completing that by the end of the year.

Are you often indecisive about what to do about life and the challenges you face? Do you find it hard to find peace and clarity? If so ask the Holy Spirit to help you to be brave and to make some decisions and to be clear about what you want for your life. When you do that and you are able to make the right choices, you will be able to experience the joy that comes from “being resigned”.

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