Thursday, August 3, 2017

Bright lights

I have this annoying thing that happens with my bedroom lights. For some unknown reason I have noticed that it won't be too long after I have changed globes, the one light will burn out/blow really quickly. Then, due to my hatred of changing light bulbs (too scared I'm going to fall off the ladder), it stays that way until the next bulb bursts, which for some unknown reason, takes a very long time. In all that time my eyes get used to the slowly dimming lights as it fades in strength.

Then once the second one has blown, its off to the shops and I replace them both.....and oh boy it is just so darn bright. So much so that I feel uncomfortable and exposed. Weak light makes it difficult to read, while overly bright light creates glare.....I think its time to change my lights, tee hee.

When we first come to God, it is like being bowled over in love. As time goes by and God begins to work in our hearts, it is as if the brightest light has come on and we don't know where to hide to get away from its glare. Let me encourage you my friend, don't run away. Your spiritual eyes will adjust and when they do you will enjoy being able to see your life clearly for what it is and it will make dealing with issues so much easier.

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