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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Shattered glass

Any weekend that has gardening included is simply amazing.  Not to mention spending great time with the Canadians, my good friends Bridget and Greg....and there was some shopping involved, all in all...a great weekend! 

What surprised me this weekend was a small little glass candle stick.  After the gardening on Saturday I was ready for a good early night and the quickest way to unwind is with candles and wine.  I had noticed that the one candle was a bit low but I figured it would just burn through and drop to the bottom the way it did with one of my ceramic sticks.  I was wrong!  As I was dozing off a loud bang gave us all a fright and the stick had shattered. 

Would it surprise you then that we do this with people too.  Sometimes we are not as cautious with our words because, ag, we figure that person can handle it.  Before we know it, the words are out, the shock on their faces tells us immediately that we were wrong and there are shattered hearts all round because we know now the friendship will never be the same again. 

Can I encourage you not to judge what you think others can handle.  Be gentle and kind to all and most of all guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus and remember to lift others up. 

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