Monday, December 5, 2016

Mint deep

Well the weekend was uneventful, that is except for the bi-annual mint culling taking place. Mint culling? Yip, I pull out every tiny piece of mint out of the clivia bed that I can see........and there in lies the secret. Why do I take out every piece that I can see? Because the real mint roots are much deeper in the ground and the surface stalks and leaves are just the surface pieces.

Mint survives and thrives but making use of two propagating methods. It spreads roots under ground and the stalks and leaves on top can also become roots if that stalk hits the ground and the plant senses that by putting roots down it will obtain a ground holding position.

That should be a lesson to us in our faith.....we should have deep roots under ground and we should be able to make roots on the surface where they are required to cement our position and help us gain ground.

That speaks to me about having tenacity and courage to stand your ground. Sometimes you can face impossible odds but if you are rooted and grounded in your faith, you will not be moved by the circumstances.

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