Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Oaks Know

Growing up in mostly hot South African climates, winter was never a big deal.  The landscape hardly changed much and what we thought was cold was well, a wee bit of a chill.  From the time I first moved to Johannesburg, the one thing I truly fell in love with, was watching the Oak trees and seeing how magnificently their leaves displayed the seasons.  The most spectacular of which, being autumn (fall).  

It always amazes me therefore that we barely notice any change in the air temperature, and all of a sudden, the leaves start to turn golden brown.  As seen in the photo attached, autumn has begun.  The term/name for the season "fall" to me is so much more descriptive than autumn, because you can really picture it all happening.  By the end of this season, the magestic trees will lie bare for all to see throughout the cold winter months and then just as suddenly as fall began, spring too will announce itself with the cheary, bright lime green spring leaves.  Well, summer is summer and the dark green will prevail until the spectacle begins all over again with fall. 

As the trees automatically know the seasons, we too as Christians need to learn the seasons of our lives.  Some seasons are for change and new things, some are for growth and establishment, others for a harvest of great rewards and then too there are very real seasons of grief and pain. 

We need to be like the Oak trees, we need to have deep roots, grounded and stayed in God's love that no matter what, we can withstand the changes that the seasons of life bring our way.  God's word needs to be our anchor and strength and hold us when the winds of life blow.  

I want to encourage you today to set your mind on the things of God and learn and know what season you are in.  God in his majestic power will allow the seasons of life to shape you and you can wither and die, or you can anchor your roots and grow tall and strong and become a beautiful Oak Tree for God. 


  1. I was admiring the Oaks just a few days ago.
    Here in George, most of the leaves are a beautiful mix of gold and russet
