Monday, August 7, 2023

5 Big Ones

It's my 50th birthday today and boy am I grateful to God for this wonderful occassion.  I am so aware of all the loved ones who have passed but I celebrate those who are still with us and have made this birthday truly memorable for me. 

I have taken time to think about the 5 big ones and reflect on what they meant to me.  

I don't recall much about my 10th birthday, but I do remember we were living in out Tambotie street house in Nelspruit.  The birthday itself was not such that I remember but I do recall that it was the year that I made Jesus my Lord and Saviour and as such my 10th year was special. 

My 20th birthday was spent at ABSA in down town Johannesburg.  I had started working at the bank shortly before on the 1st of July so I was new, so no pomp and ceremony there, but they sure made up for that on my 21st. I spent some time with friends and that was a time of dreaming and wondering what God had in store for me. My new career was exciting and I knew that I had big dreams to chase.

Well now my 30th birthday was quite the stinker!  The day was insignificant as I was temping at a motor dealership in Randurg .  That night though was one of practical ministries outings with Bible school and we landed up at.....drum roll please, the MORGUE! I'll never forget that one as long as I live.  Luckily two of my bible school mates rescued the evening by taking me out for dinner and a late night movie....  I do recall making up for all of this with an awesome breakfast with my landlords the Richardson's and some friends and family that were able to join me. My thirties brought with it the dream of owning my own home and i have been priveledge enough to spend nearly 20 years already in one place, and have so appreciated the stability that gave me in life. 

My 40th was at Ubank.  Mom came up from Kimberly to celebrate with me over the weekend with a supper with friends and some family, it was a relatively quiet but lovely dinner.  We then went back to Kimberly together and I stayed for the week.  My 40's have been kind to me and landing my current job at Auto Trade Underwriting Managers has truly been a life altering experience for me.  I am grateful for all that I have learned and the new heights that I have been able to challenge myself too. 

My 50th has so far been a two week celebration with a trip to Cape Town with my mom, sister and brother-in-law.  The ladies had a girls night out to see my favourite ballet, Swan Lake.  We had an awesome long weekend together.  On Friday my colleagues celebrated with me and today, I was able to retreat to my favourite place, Lifestyle Nursery for breakfast and some plant shopping and that was followed with some gardening and some time with my kitties.  I have another two days off so we'll see what else I can get up too.  

I am grateful to God for sparing me thus far, and as they always say, may there be many more. Not sure which Granny I am going to be able to beat, but I know the target is somewhere between 85 and 100, Lol!

Thank you to all who wished me well on this wonderful day!  It truly was appreciated! 

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